Our Angel Fund – Giving Back From the Heart
Thanks to the generosity of our wonderful supporters, we are able to maintain an Angel Fund for families in need of financial assistance. These funds help offset either a portion or even the entire cost of an appointment. This financial blessing makes a tremendous difference for families who are already going through a very difficult time.
Angel Fund: Important Notice
Please be aware that contributions to our Angel Fund are not tax-deductible as we are not a 501(c)(3) charity. We maintain the Angel Fund with the highest level of integrity, and 100% of all contributions are applied to help pets and families in need.
If you would like to contribute to the Angel Fund, please click here to donate. You may also give us a call at (919) 646-4660 or send an email to Care@GentleJourneyNC.com
When making your donation, please complete the accompanying form with as much information as you would like to share. If you are donating in honor of a certain pet, please leave their name and the family’s name so we can make the family aware of your kind gift. If you prefer to keep your identity confidential, please enter “N/A” in the relevant fields. We appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity.