Monitoring Quality-of-Life Using a Calendar

The Pet QOL Calendar, along with various other quality-of-life tools, provides a valuable means for pet owners to monitor their pet’s well-being, track happiness and comfort, and arrive at informed decisions during challenging times.

Using a Pet Quality-of-Life Calendar

To start using your pet quality-of-life calendar, print off a blank monthly calendar and put it somewhere you will remember to use it every day. It should have blocks for each day that are large enough to write a few notes in. 

Once your calendar is set up, monitor your pet closely each day, looking carefully for any signs of discomfort or poor health. If your pet is having a good day, draw a smiley face or a heart in your favorite color. If today was not the best of days, make an “X” or a few concise notes describing why not.

As the calendar fills, ask yourself: Are you seeing more notes? Do you notice any trends that are growing worse? Does too much excitement one day create problems the next, such as lethargy, soreness, restlessness, or accidents in the house? Are you noticing a gradual decline in any area? Is there something that keeps popping up on the calendar that we might address?

Your pet should be having more good days than bad, and the calendar should reflect this from week to week. If that is not the case, please involve your veterinarian or us to help you and your pet.

Example Calendar

GJNC Calendar

Links to Alternative QOL Tools

The Ohio State University
QOL Scale

5H’s and 2M’s
QOL Scale

Pain Scale

Pain Scale

Assessing Acute Pain
in Cats

Brief Pain Inventory

Quality-of-Life Assessment Tools